Issue#61: "Pookananny Hootenanny"
Emily Hair arranges a welcome party for Nephew Zero...
Notes and References:
A hootenanny is a Scottish word meaning "Celebration" and/or "Party". However the party above appears to be more of a gathering according to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Dead man's Party" in which the character Oz defines a gathering, a shindig and a finally a hootenanny. It was that episode that helped create the title of this strip.
This is the first issue in which Kathy Dudbert wears a purple jumper instead of her usual green jumper.
It is also the first issue that sees her try and make it in the dumpling business with her "Dudbert Dumplings". The idea to have Kathy make and sell dumplings comes from a dream I had about the real "Kathy Dudbert" selling homemade dumplings in Spitalfields Market in London.
This is the second issue to feature Feigenbaum's nephew Zero who is appearing in all of the August Pooka based strips.
Emily Hair states that according to Feigenbaum, Beauregarde the grumpy bunny is good at Chess.
Zero remarks that he will have to play him at some point, Indicating that Zero is also a keen Chess player.
Zero calls Emily Hair "Miss. Hair", This is a reference to the real life "Emily Hair" and her work at the Nursery
Several points are made in this issue regarding who can see Feigenbaum and Zero- Loaker and Emily Hair can see them both, Barnaby is either aware of their existence or just goes along with it due to his experiences in the "Doppelganger Saga", Bancroft can't see either of them and is seemingly unaware of pookas in general and Kathy Dudbert is just happy to have an event to sell her dumplings.
Bancroft is still in the Barnaby suit. The zip has broken and he is trapped in the suit. He originally put the suit on in issue#56: "Kathy and the Real Boy" so that he could go on a date with Kathy Dudbert.
All the main characters in the banner of the weekly strip are in this issue.
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